Friday, December 30, 2011
Goodbye 2011
I can’t believe what a whirlwind of a year 2011 has been. I remember this exact moment last year as if it were yesterday. Since then so much has changed. I’ve had many goodbyes, but just as many new beginnings and experiences. I’ve had many firsts, and many lasts. I graduated high school, had my last dance recital, went to my first party, had my first kiss, got my N, drove for the first time by myself, got my first real job, started and completed my first semester of college… this has been a crazy year. The most memorable for sure! I’ve lost friends, as well as gained friends. I’ve become so much more independent. This is also the first year that I’ve noticed that I am more outgoing. I think it’ll always be something for me to work on, it’s still one of my new years resolutions however I’m noticing changes in myself. I’ve learned so much in what seems like such a short amount of time. I can’t believe another year has gone by, but I really hope that 2012 bring just as much as 2011 did. It was a great year, so I have high hopes. For myself, I’m going to work on being more outgoing and really not caring what others think. I’m also going to focus, really focus on school and doing well. I’m going to try to overcome my slight addiction to nail polish and my newest addiction to earrings. I will have self control! I’m going to make more of an effort to spend time with the people I care about because I’ve learned that you never know what can happen. Also, I’m going to try to keep my room clean. Maybe some exercise, twice a week, wouldn’t hurt as well. So, there are plenty of things for me to improve on, but what I want most is for me to be myself and be happy. I want to learn and grow more. I want to be that person who always looks at the bright side of life, for the most part I do but I tend to complain about quite a bit as well. Recently I realized just how lucky I am. I don’t have a lot to complain about so why waste the energy? I feel like I have a lot more to say but I am done for now. Maybe I’ll add on tomorrow! If not, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
So it was another successful Christmas! As usual, my sister and I were spoiled, but I still think my favourite part was the actual dinner and family time! It came and went way too fast, but it was a very Merry Christmas if I do say so myself.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Eve!
My family is nuts, but I'm so thankful for all of them! It was another great open house.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Time Is Here
I cannot believe that tomorrow is Christmas eve. It seems that the older I get, the faster time goes. Even after spending the last four days downtown doing Christmas activities: Van Dusen Gardens, seeing lights, trees and gingerbread houses, the Christmas Market, I still don't feel ready for Christmas? I'm excited of course, but I would be happy if it were still a couple weeks away! Anyways, I am happy I work tomorrow because I hate that time between everything being set up and ready and waiting for everyone to arrive at my house. It honestly feels like years. Work will take my mind off the waiting! Plus I still have presents to wrap, so I'm a little behind and won't have the time to sit around waiting. But anyways, Christmas is here, i'm shocked , and before I know it, it's going to be the Christmas of 2012.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
December 21
Yesterday was an adventure! We started off going to the Macmillan Bloedel Conservatory which was neat. It was so pretty! There were Christmas lights and exotic birds everywhere. We spent a couple hours walking around and around again, taking a million pictures. By 7 we decided we should go to my uncle's house and eat. However we ran into a small problem. My grandma forgot to write down his address. Normally it wouldn't have been a big deal, but he recently moved so no one knew where he lived. After driving around for an hour, somehow I managed to remember it. Sometime in August, my uncle sent me his address and by some fluke, I remembered it! We finally unpacked all our stuff and were all a little grumpy but decided to go out for dinner. We came across Milestones so we decided to go in. Our waiter sucked, but the food was yummy! That left us feeling better so we popped into HMV because it's closing so everything was super cheap! We also went into Sears to get a Christmas present for my dad. Just in case he somehow finds my blog, I'm not going to tell you what it is, but lets just say it is regularly $60, and was on sale for $19.99! Anyways, then we were going to go to the Christmas Market but it closed at 9, so we went back to my uncle's apartment. We were going to do nails but were all so tired that we decided to watch a movie instead. I have no idea what it was, but it was cute! Then today, we got up and went to the Hyatt to look at the gingerbread houses. They are amazing! We also went into the Four Seasons because they have such beautiful decorations up. Then we stopped by the Christmas Market which was a waste of time. It looks neat from the outside but all it is, is tons of ridiculously overpriced food and little shops. Like $10 ornaments made from straw, and $9 wieners. That was kind of disappointing considering we spent $8 to get in! Oh well, now we know! We went back to the house and packed our stuff and cleaned up, and that was about it. Although it wasn't the perfect evening that we had planned, it was nice and did make me feel more in the Christmas spirit!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Isn't it funny, that feeling when you know something is going to happen before it happens? It's like our soul knows.
My grandma told me a story of a man who can see peoples auras. He got into an elevator with a group of people and noticed that none of them had auras that he could see. He got off at the next floor. When the elevator doors closed and started to go down, the cable broke and everyone in the elevator died. Those people souls knew they were going to die, and left their bodies before the incident. That is why he couldn't see their auras. Crazy isn't it?
I don't know, I guess we should just trust ourselves because no one knows better.
My grandma told me a story of a man who can see peoples auras. He got into an elevator with a group of people and noticed that none of them had auras that he could see. He got off at the next floor. When the elevator doors closed and started to go down, the cable broke and everyone in the elevator died. Those people souls knew they were going to die, and left their bodies before the incident. That is why he couldn't see their auras. Crazy isn't it?
I don't know, I guess we should just trust ourselves because no one knows better.
Friday, December 16, 2011
If I'm 80, I'm loving it
Birthday dinner was deeeelish!! I don't care who thinks I'm a grandma for having my 18th birthday dinner at Swiss Chalet, it was the best thing ever. To top it off, my parents bought me a red velvet cake, don't forget the cream cheese icing, from Zena's! Yay for gluten free cake! I have nothing else to say beside that was a delectable meal.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
So it's finally time
Today is my last day being 17! Exciting exciting exciting! I already feel like I'm 18 so I'm happy the day is finally here!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
why oh why!?
I would really like to know why I attract such needy, creepy, weirdos!
No, I'd rather not go hot tubing with you.
Nope, don't want to give you a massage either.
As for your complaints, I don't really care.
And I definitely don't want to come over and watch movies in your bed....
No, I'd rather not go hot tubing with you.
Nope, don't want to give you a massage either.
As for your complaints, I don't really care.
And I definitely don't want to come over and watch movies in your bed....
I'm a loser!
I just laughed so hard at this picture, not that funny it just really amuses me!
OH! This one is good too:
I bet i'll surprise you with this one:
Monday, December 12, 2011
time flies when you're having fun!
I really can't believe it's december. I remember last year, just after christmas having a conversation with Mia about calanders. I got a glee calander for christmas and flipped to decemer 2011 and said to mia, "We'll be done high school, and the first semester of college and i'll still have my glee calander." I don't know, it was crazy to me to even think that far ahead and now here we are!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Hi, apparently I'm stupid & deaf. My guardian angel is not my mum's step sister whom she has never's her Grandma Flo! I should have known! I've actually seen her spirit. But anyway, she wanted to be acknowledged so we bought a little angel ornament for the tree :)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
I had a very successful day of Christmas shopping today! After a lot of uncertainty, I finally have gifts for my family and friends, not including Mia because she was with me. Ah, I'm so pleased. Despite the shopping trip solely meant for gifts for other people, I managed to buy myself: lotion, nail polish, gum, concealer, and lip balm. But hey, I got a free shower gel/shampoo/bubble bath (yep, it's all three) from Sephora for my birthday! Yay! The only bad part of Christmas shopping is that it makes me want to give everyone their gifts NOW! I can't wait! I really love Christmas shopping, it makes me so happy afterwards, even though I spent a small fortune.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I'm glad to say that I'm officially done my first semester of college. It's still crazy to me! I loved the new experiences and I definitely learned a lot. I'm also glad to say that I passed all my classes (passed being the key word). I managed to just squeak by in psychology, thank god. I could go on and on but I won't! I'm just amazed I'm finished!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
thank you
My mum had a reading last night and her step sister, who she had never met came through. She told her that she had been watching over my sister and I and that she will continue to. She told my mum our ages, and that she was the one that helped the "17 year old with the car incident." She told me what to do.
About 2 weeks ago I was driving to school, stopped at a red light and all the sudden the car started rolling backwords. I tried to step on the brake but it was stuck, pressed all the way down and wasn't doing anything. So I tried to step on the gas but again nothing happend. The light turned green and I was stuck. There were cars behind me and I was freaking out. Out of no where I thought to turn on the hazard lights and lets the cars pass me so I could turn the car on and off again. I didn't really know how I had thought to turn the lights on until now.
So, I want to say thank you so much! It's nice to know I have someone looking out for me :)
About 2 weeks ago I was driving to school, stopped at a red light and all the sudden the car started rolling backwords. I tried to step on the brake but it was stuck, pressed all the way down and wasn't doing anything. So I tried to step on the gas but again nothing happend. The light turned green and I was stuck. There were cars behind me and I was freaking out. Out of no where I thought to turn on the hazard lights and lets the cars pass me so I could turn the car on and off again. I didn't really know how I had thought to turn the lights on until now.
So, I want to say thank you so much! It's nice to know I have someone looking out for me :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
I think I'm ready to give up on love.
I'm tired of wasting my engery for nothing so I think I'm going to stop looking for love. Whenever I look, nothing works out. We'll see if something comes along this way I guess!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Today was better!
I woke up after a 12 hour sleep and was extremely tired and still sore, and dizzy but I wasn't feeling nauseous! Somehow I still managed to serve most of the costumers at work though. I've also been eating throughout the day, rather than just the waffles I ate yesterday morning. But,I might be going for a massage tomorrow :) That would be great! I think my plan for the rest of the day is homework, homework & more homework.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
long long day
I woke up with a pounding headache and not feeling great. I thought it would pass. Then I got to the hospital for an orientation which ended up taking 50 minutes, rather than 30. So, I rushed to work, but got there 8 minutes late. Lucky for me, the machine you punch in on wasn't working so no one noticed. However, it was the longest shift ever. My whole body started aching: back, neck, hips. I still had a headache and to top it all off I had this queasy feeling in my stomach the entire time. I honestly thought I was going to die. When I finally got home, I was excited to have a bath and go to bed. But, I open the bathroom door and find my dog stuck in there with 2 piles of poop. So, I closed the door because there is no way in heck I'm cleaning it up, and now here I am lying in bed. I think I might go to sleep.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
In response to mia's shoes!
I also could not restrain myself and bought these babys:
I can't wait to wear them! It feels nice to own a pair of nice heels, even if I don't wear them often :)
So It's December!
As of today I am going to write one post per day!
Today is a good day. I have no more english or STSU. I presented my STSU project and I must say it went very well. My teacher loved and she said it almost made her cry. That is exactly the effect I was going for. I don't speak in class and my professor said the best projects come from the quiet ones because it allows us to finally open ourselves up to the rest of the class. I tried to do just that, and I think I accomplished it. I cannot even begin to explain to you how happy I am that this project is done and over with! Ahh, I am so ready for this break
Today is a good day. I have no more english or STSU. I presented my STSU project and I must say it went very well. My teacher loved and she said it almost made her cry. That is exactly the effect I was going for. I don't speak in class and my professor said the best projects come from the quiet ones because it allows us to finally open ourselves up to the rest of the class. I tried to do just that, and I think I accomplished it. I cannot even begin to explain to you how happy I am that this project is done and over with! Ahh, I am so ready for this break
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I almost cut my fingers off...
Ok, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. But while I was slicing meat, the meat slipped so I reached to pick it back up while the blade was still running. Silly me ended up cutting a nice chunk of skin out of both my ring finger, and pinky, as well as nail on my ring finger. It didn't hurt so bad at the time, but after an hour in the first aid room, trying to stop the bleeding, which let me tell you has still not completely stopped, I finally felt the pain. It hurts like heck. The only good thing that came out of this was that on top of my 15 minute break, I got the hour in the first aid room!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A day in the life of Georgie...
Wake up
Go to School
Work/Volunteer - depending on the day
Go to School
Work/Volunteer - depending on the day
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Work is disgusting..
Today, while cleaning out the chicken room I had a not so pleasant experience. So, I washed, rinsed, and sanitized down the walls, the floors, and the table. By the end of this, or course, the drain is a little clogged up. As instructed to do, I stuck the hose into the drain and turned it on. Instead of the pressure unclogging the drain, it just made all the juices and gunk spray up at my face. Yup. I had nice orange blotches of CHICKEN GUNK ALL OVER MY FACE!! It was terrible! I am double, maybe even triple cleaning my skin tonight.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Boy, you drive me crazy!
You walk around acting like you own the place, making your rounds, saying hello to I not good enough for a hello? Or even just a wave? Like really, I'm not stupid and I sure as heck know you're not blind.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
boy magnet?
It's a sad day when your 12 year old sister tells you 3 boys asked her out today.
It's even more sad that she told me not to worry that now she will have had a boyfriend before me, it doesn't count in grade 7 anyway..
thanks dude, that makes me feel better.
It's even more sad that she told me not to worry that now she will have had a boyfriend before me, it doesn't count in grade 7 anyway..
thanks dude, that makes me feel better.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
We're all just people!
Last night, instead of going to bed at 1:00am like a normal person, I thought watching our grad dvd was a good idea. What an emotional roller coaster that was! I laughed, I cried (almost), but I mostly felt a twinge of loneliness. I actually miss everyone. Of course I miss seeing you guys everyday more than most people, but looking back I can honestly say there is not one face that I don't miss seeing. I know it's weird because how often did I complain about almost everyone, but it made me realize that we're all just people. Tell me if I'm nuts because obviously we're all just people but I don't know, watching it just made something click that i can't quite put my finger on. I think we're all more alike than I ever realized and it makes me feel bad. I feel bad for not so much judging people, well I guess it was judging, but already having opinions about people without having ever talked to them. Over the summer, I actually met and talked to a lot of the people I had thought were annoying, or were cows and unfriendly, and realized I was completely wrong. The thought that maybe some of these people were shy never crossed my mind. Now that it's September, and we're not all back together at high school is really weird to me. We really did have a great grad class, and I miss seeing those familiar faces throughout the hallways. Don't get me wrong, I am liking college, it's just different. I know I'm going to learn to love it, but I think there is always going to be that part of me that misses high school!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
So here I am, the first english class of college and my teacher asks us to pull out paper and a pen because we had 20 minutes to write an essay. I am panicking about how I'm supposed to write a whole essay about how academic writing is beneficial to whatever my future job may be in 20 minutes, but to make matters worse she adds that this essay is worth marks. Let me tell you, I wrote like a mad woman! I used every minute, right down to the last 10 seconds. Yes, she had a countdown. When time is up, I'm freaking out because I totally thought I went off topic. I was positive I had failed my very first assignment. BUT, to my surprise, when the essays were handed back today, I got 4/5! That 80% people! I got 80% on my first essay! She also wrote some nice comments! I was so excited!! Great start to english :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
taylor swift
What an amazing concert! I can't believe how sweet and down to earth taylor is! Such an incredible show and so much good energy! I wish I could go back!!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
what to eat!?
So no dairy, eggs, or gluten. What is a person supposed to eat? I might as well just go vegan while I'm at it... -_-
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Mayne Island...
Quite possibly the best 3 days of my summer! I can honestly say I have not had as much fun as I did with you 3 (Millie, Flora & Mia…obviously) in a while! It was so nice to finally spend time with all of you at once; I definitely missed it! It also made me realize how much I’m going to miss you guys next year! But that’s beside the fact, I love you guys sooooo much! I had so so so much fun! I loved our intense conversations, dance parties, laughing fits, late night feasting, grand plans, awkwardness, top of the lung singing, carefree attitudes, and overall closeness! I felt completely at home spending 62 straight hours with you. We wanted this trip to be like sisterhood of the traveling pants and in its own way it was! It was like our own sisterhood movie! One of my favourite parts was skinny dipping! It really was perfect timing. As the four of us were all in and feeling proud, a shooting star shot across the sky. And not one of those super quick ones, it stayed in the sky long enough for all of us to see it! It was so surreal. I also love that somehow, all of our conversations come back to one subject. Boys. That’s why it was so exciting when we met cute ones! I’m happy to tell you that I met my future boyfriend that night. I’m even more happy to tell you we have had two wonderful conversations since mayne island! Anyways, it was so pretty there! I loved the ocean and all the trees and wilderness, I loved seeing all the stars at night! And, in all honesty it was really nice to be away from the computer, my phone and everything else here. I am happy to be home, but I also miss spending time as the four of us. I cannot wait for the next mayne island trip!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Good Gracious
I'm sick and tired of everyone's pointless drama and overreacting.
It would be greatly appreciated if everyone calmed down.
It would be greatly appreciated if everyone calmed down.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
To my loves
I miss you my friends!! I feel like we have so much to talk about; like so much has happened over the course of a week or two? See, I don't even remember the last time I saw you. So sad. Please come back to me.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
this is it
Tonight marks the end of high school. I'm nervous, excited, sad, happy, and most of all confused! Our high school journey is over! I remember the first day, 5 years ago, clear as day. I honestly cannot believe it's over. I don't think it has hit me yet. We'll see how tonight goes, hopefully wonderfully!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Ahh, I can't stop listening to this and thinking how much I miss dance already and how much I'm going to miss school. I've been on the verge of tears every time. Why is this so hard? Like I honestly think this is the most sad I have ever been. Gosh, I hate growing up.
Emotional Weekend
My last dance recital was this weekend and I cried at least 5 times. I can't believe it's over. I've spent all but 3 years of my life with all these people. I'm honestly going to miss everyone so much. It was especially hard to say goodbye to our teachers Lian and Linda. I wish I could have thanked them both and told them that I am going to miss them but I couldn't stop crying enough to say anything. When I would finally stop crying, I'd see someone else crying and I would start again. I was a mess. I still can't think about it too much because my eyes start to well up. It's not like i'm never going to see anyone again, but it's going to be a lot different. I'll miss everyone and my home away from home.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Well, we didn't win this time, but I must say this was a great series. I'm not usually into hockey but I enjoyed watching the Canucks make it all the way to game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals! Of course, it's dissapointing they didn't win but they came in second place and that's pretty big acomplishment. I worry for everyone downtown right now. We should be proud of our team, but instead we are flipping over cars and starting fires. What a nice way to show the Canucks our support and make them feel better... What are these riot going to change? Absolutely nothing. Instead we should be celebrating how far the Canucks got. We were so close to winning it! I don't know about all the other "fans" but I will continue to support my home team. I realize you can't win them all. Congrats Boston AND Canucks!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Fun Fun Fun
I can't believe grad is already over. I had so much fun and made amazing memories with some of my favourite people <3. Everyone look absolutely beautiful!!! We clean up pretty nicely! I wish it could have lasted longer though. The night went by so fast. It's been 14 hours and I miss it already. I love you guys so much! Thanks for making last night one of the best and most memorable nights of my life!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Never Grow Up

I've been looking forward for this day for years! 6 years ago I was talking about how excited I was to wear a grad dress and graduate. Now, I can't believe how fast it's come.
"Oh, I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up, could still be little. Oh, I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up, it could still be simple"
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAAAAD!!! Only 17 days!!! WOOOOO! AND, to make me ever more excited, my parent booked a photographer for me!!!! Fun fun fun fun fun!!!!! :D
I'm also SUPER excited for grad camping this weekend!! I must say, life is great right now!!
I'm also SUPER excited for grad camping this weekend!! I must say, life is great right now!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I wish I had strong enough words to express how much you actually mean to me. I truly appreciate everything you do and have ever done for me. Thank you for your love, patience, compassion, and kindness. I love you with every part of me. Yes, our family doesn’t always get along and sometimes it really, really sucks, but I think that’s what make us so strong. I think that’s what makes us love each other even more. Not one day has passed by without you telling me that you love me. Everyday you tell me how beautiful I am, or how proud you are of me, but you never hear it back. Mum, you are a beautiful person and a wonderful mum. You have taught me so much. I hope you know that. Thanks for everything. Happy Mother’s Day <3
Friday, May 6, 2011
It’s amazing how quickly a great day can turn into an awful one. DON’T YOU REALIZE IT’S ALL OF YOUR FAULT!? Sometimes I wish I could run away for ever, and never come back. I hate it here right now.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I’m done with the fighting,
Done with the tears,
Done with the constant fear.
I’m done with the faking;
The fake smiles,
The fake happiness,
The fake loving people we pretend to be.
We are not as perfect as people may think.
Life isn’t as fun as we make it seem to be.
Yet, we continue to pretend.
I hate it. Actually, I can’t stand to do it anymore.
It must be obvious.
Can’t people sense the tension?
Hear the screaming?
See the pain?
The problem is that the need for each other is more than we will ever realize.
We couldn’t live without each other;
We wouldn’t survive.
I don't want to pretend anymore,
Don't want to feel like this,
Don't want to live like this.
I’m done.
Done with the tears,
Done with the constant fear.
I’m done with the faking;
The fake smiles,
The fake happiness,
The fake loving people we pretend to be.
We are not as perfect as people may think.
Life isn’t as fun as we make it seem to be.
Yet, we continue to pretend.
I hate it. Actually, I can’t stand to do it anymore.
It must be obvious.
Can’t people sense the tension?
Hear the screaming?
See the pain?
The problem is that the need for each other is more than we will ever realize.
We couldn’t live without each other;
We wouldn’t survive.
I don't want to pretend anymore,
Don't want to feel like this,
Don't want to live like this.
I’m done.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
In response to Millie's "A Song About Love"
Hi Millie, I guess we both have boyfriends from the United Kingdom.
Mine is Hobbie :)
Mine is Hobbie :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
It's called anger management.
You should look it up.
I could go on a huge rant, which is what I really want to do, but I have self control.
You should look it up.
I could go on a huge rant, which is what I really want to do, but I have self control.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I caved. The stress and fear of everything in my life has finally got to me. I cried guys, I really cried. Now, don't ask me about it because I don't want to talk about it and it might make me cry again. This is kind of dumb actually but it was about my stupid report card. Both my biology and french teacher said that I need to put in more effort. My biology teacher also said that my work habits were satisfactory. This of course threw my parents over the edge. They were po'd that they would say that. SO, my mum decided to email them. Nothing bad, just wondering what I could do to improve my mark and effort. My french teacher explained to her that I need to speak more in class as well as redo a couple quizzes. She also said that it will all work out. Now here's the problem. When they get upset, or confused, my parents get angry. They told me I need to start worrying about my future and that mediocre wasn't good enough. Colleges and universities will choose the people with A's and B's first. I would like to point out that my worst mark is 67%, a C+. Big deal right? They just kept going on and on about it, making it seem like they were disappointed in me and I should be doing better. I finally just left the room because I knew I was about to cry. Then I cried my little heart out. I thought it would go unnoticed but my mum called me out to show me something. My face was blotchy, eyes were blood shot, and I had big, fat tears streaming down my face. Then they felt bad. I NEVER cry. They explained that they weren't mad at me, just mad that the teachers would say that when I work so hard. Blah blah blahhh. You know. They know school is kinda stressful right now and they told they were surprised I lasted to long! I do have to go in for french help though, the teacher suggested it.
Now I am eating chocolate :)
My mum also told me she would buy me something to cheer me up, hahah :)
Now I am eating chocolate :)
My mum also told me she would buy me something to cheer me up, hahah :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
10 Facts about me
1) I feel extra safe when my cat sleeps with me. It's not like he's going to do anything if something was to happen, but it's comforting to know he is there.
2) I'm afraid of change; afraid of growing up.
3) I hate sharing my feelings. Well it's not so much that I hate it, I just can't do it. I am content keeping everything bottled up inside me...sometimes.
4) I'm terrified I'll be alone forever.
5) I'm self-conscious. Not like SUPER self-conscious, but I always feel like everyone is talking about me. I wish I more comfortable in my own skin. I am my own worst enemy.
6) My passion is singing. No, I'm not the greatest but I want nothing more in life than to sing (and maybe have a career with it.) It's highly unlikely though. It's depressing watching people of all ages on youtube with such strong voices, who can write there own music and songs, and play instruments. I wish I could do all that. I have a pretty weak voice though. It makes me sad.
7) I am lazy!
8) I hate making other people upset. I live my life trying to please others. I need to learn to think for myself and make the best choices for me, not for someone else.
9) I am an excessive procrastinator and rediculously indecisive.
10) I'm a little bit insane.
2) I'm afraid of change; afraid of growing up.
3) I hate sharing my feelings. Well it's not so much that I hate it, I just can't do it. I am content keeping everything bottled up inside me...sometimes.
4) I'm terrified I'll be alone forever.
5) I'm self-conscious. Not like SUPER self-conscious, but I always feel like everyone is talking about me. I wish I more comfortable in my own skin. I am my own worst enemy.
6) My passion is singing. No, I'm not the greatest but I want nothing more in life than to sing (and maybe have a career with it.) It's highly unlikely though. It's depressing watching people of all ages on youtube with such strong voices, who can write there own music and songs, and play instruments. I wish I could do all that. I have a pretty weak voice though. It makes me sad.
7) I am lazy!
8) I hate making other people upset. I live my life trying to please others. I need to learn to think for myself and make the best choices for me, not for someone else.
9) I am an excessive procrastinator and rediculously indecisive.
10) I'm a little bit insane.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hooooly! I am so stressed out. I have so much to do, there are only 3 months of high school left, time is going by so fast, like it is already April! When did this happen!?!? Life, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would pause for a couple weeks..or months. Also, I know I've said it a million times but I am such a procrastinator! My dad told me if I don't stop I'm going to end up being 40 and living under a bridge in a cardboard box because I don't have a job and forgot to go to school...mmhhm. Thanks dad, I'm so glad you have faith in me. Things I need to do: Get a job, figure out summer travel plans, make an appointment with college counsellor, practice driving, find shoes to match grad dress, get dress altered...there are more, I just can't remember, which is also a problem. Oh! I found 45 more scholarships that I can apply for too.
I don't want to grow up! Seriously, I wish I was 10 again. I am not ready to graduate, I am not ready to have to fend for myself, I am definitely not ready to grow up! I'm too naive. I wish time would just pause so I can get things organized and prepare myself for everything.
I don't want to grow up! Seriously, I wish I was 10 again. I am not ready to graduate, I am not ready to have to fend for myself, I am definitely not ready to grow up! I'm too naive. I wish time would just pause so I can get things organized and prepare myself for everything.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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