I caved. The stress and fear of everything in my life has finally got to me. I cried guys, I really cried. Now, don't ask me about it because I don't want to talk about it and it might make me cry again. This is kind of dumb actually but it was about my stupid report card. Both my biology and french teacher said that I need to put in more effort. My biology teacher also said that my work habits were satisfactory. This of course threw my parents over the edge. They were po'd that they would say that. SO, my mum decided to email them. Nothing bad, just wondering what I could do to improve my mark and effort. My french teacher explained to her that I need to speak more in class as well as redo a couple quizzes. She also said that it will all work out. Now here's the problem. When they get upset, or confused, my parents get angry. They told me I need to start worrying about my future and that mediocre wasn't good enough. Colleges and universities will choose the people with A's and B's first. I would like to point out that my worst mark is 67%, a C+. Big deal right? They just kept going on and on about it, making it seem like they were disappointed in me and I should be doing better. I finally just left the room because I knew I was about to cry. Then I cried my little heart out. I thought it would go unnoticed but my mum called me out to show me something. My face was blotchy, eyes were blood shot, and I had big, fat tears streaming down my face. Then they felt bad. I NEVER cry. They explained that they weren't mad at me, just mad that the teachers would say that when I work so hard. Blah blah blahhh. You know. They know school is kinda stressful right now and they told they were surprised I lasted to long! I do have to go in for french help though, the teacher suggested it.
Now I am eating chocolate :)
My mum also told me she would buy me something to cheer me up, hahah :)