1) I feel extra safe when my cat sleeps with me. It's not like he's going to do anything if something was to happen, but it's comforting to know he is there.
2) I'm afraid of change; afraid of growing up.
3) I hate sharing my feelings. Well it's not so much that I hate it, I just can't do it. I am content keeping everything bottled up inside me...sometimes.
4) I'm terrified I'll be alone forever.
5) I'm self-conscious. Not like SUPER self-conscious, but I always feel like everyone is talking about me. I wish I more comfortable in my own skin. I am my own worst enemy.
6) My passion is singing. No, I'm not the greatest but I want nothing more in life than to sing (and maybe have a career with it.) It's highly unlikely though. It's depressing watching people of all ages on youtube with such strong voices, who can write there own music and songs, and play instruments. I wish I could do all that. I have a pretty weak voice though. It makes me sad.
7) I am lazy!
8) I hate making other people upset. I live my life trying to please others. I need to learn to think for myself and make the best choices for me, not for someone else.
9) I am an excessive procrastinator and rediculously indecisive.
10) I'm a little bit insane.