Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well, we didn't win this time, but I must say this was a great series. I'm not usually into hockey but I enjoyed watching the Canucks make it all the way to game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals! Of course, it's dissapointing they didn't win but they came in second place and that's pretty big acomplishment. I worry for everyone downtown right now. We should be proud of our team, but instead we are flipping over cars and starting fires. What a nice way to show the Canucks our support and make them feel better... What are these riot going to change? Absolutely nothing. Instead we should be celebrating how far the Canucks got. We were so close to winning it! I don't know about all the other "fans" but I will continue to support my home team. I realize you can't win them all. Congrats Boston AND Canucks!