Tuesday, February 21, 2012

my guilty pleasure...

day fourteen

Something disgusting you do:

I'd have to say not keeping my room clean. I don't put anything away, clean or dirty so by Saturday/Sunday I have a weeks worth of clothes, including used underwear and socks lying all over my floor. It's probably not very sanitary. I also wait until the end of the week to rinse out containers I used from school. I keep them in a plastic bag on my desk. I guess that's kinda gross too. At least I can say they are enclosed though....maybe i'll work on that one.

Monday, February 20, 2012

day thirteen

A date you'd love to go on:

How often do we talk about this. Pretty much anything I do with you guys I’d love to do on a date! It depends what season it is.
Winter: skating, sitting by a fire and watching movies.
Spring/Fall: a walk on the dyke or by the water.
Summer: fireworks, really anything.
A great date could be anything as long as i'm spending time with a person a really really like.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

day twelve

Things you want to say to an ex

Like Mia, I don't have an ex so I'll talk about a friend. However, this is a friend I don't talk to anymore but I wish I did. I feel like I owe this person a lot. I had so many awesome experiences thanks to her. She trusted me, I trusted her. She knew things not many others did, I knew things not many others did. I don't really know what happened. Well, we both started school, she had two jobs, and then we I got mine we couldn't find time we both had free.

So i'd like to say thanks. Thanks for being there. Thanks for being the voice when I clearly didn't have one. Thanks for being honest. Thanks for not getting fed up with me. Thanks for bringing me ice cream when I was sick. Thanks for being a really, really good friend. I wish I could have been a better one.

I'd probably give her a little gas money too!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


day eleven

Discuss your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Current relationship: 0

Warning...this is going to be a rant. So i'm single, have been my entire life and i'm starting to freak out a little. People always tell me that I don't need a guy to make me happy, boys are gross, a boyfriend isn't that great blah blah blah. HELLO! I'm 18 years old and have never even been on a real date! My 13 year old sister has even had a boyfriend!!!! It's depressing! I get it, i'm quiet but that doesn't mean guys can't talk to me. I don't even know where to go to meet guys. Really, it's not like I would do anything anyways. I'm too old fashioned. I don't want to meet gross, drunken guys at a party because anything that happens means absolutely nothing to them. If it's this hard to find a boyfriend, or even a potential date, i'm doubting marriage. Maybe that's a bit dramatic but really. I thought college would be great but I don't talk to guys. Well I do but all the ones i'm attracted too or find really nice have girlfriends. And i'm such a dork and way too awkward for life. I need to take a class on how to keep a conversation going because I suck. People tell me someone will come around when I'm not looking, but it's hard not to keep my eyes open. I actually am doubting a relationship anytime soon.

day ten

Your view on drugs & alcohol

I am happy to say I've never done drugs, and probably never will. It's something that so many people do, or have tried, so I'm proud to be one of the few who haven't. There was a guy at a party once who told Mia and I to be proud that we've never done drugs. He said even if you try it that one time, it cancels out all the other times you never did. It's not worth it. It was really nice. I'm not saying drugs are terrible to do. Well, yeah some are but I'm going to focus in on weed because it's the one I can talk about the most. I don't judge anyone who smokes it. Honestly I know so so so many people who have done it, or do. Some people you'd be surprised about. I don't think less of them or anyone really because it's not my place to judge. I don't know their stories and really, it's not my body. If it's something you rely on for happiness, it's sad but i'm not one to judge. I also think in some ways it's safer than drinking. Although alcohol is legal it can really change a person. However, in the long run, smoking anything is so harmful to you lungs, and it messes up your memory and brain.

I'm starting to not be a fan of this stuff. I can't seem to handle even the slightest bit. But, I don't have a problem with people drinking. Like I said before, if you need it to have a good time, it's sad but many people do. I think it's ok to have a drink or two on the weekend, but I don't see how people can get drunk every night of every single weekend. Just say goodbye to your liver now. People are going to do what they are going to do. I don't want to judge people, but it's gross when someone is so drunk that they can't walk or talk or keep their own head up. Limitation seems to be a big problem. And it's so dangerous because people think they are okay, and get in their car and drive home. Not only are they putting themselves in danger, but every single innocent person out on the road as well. Alcohol can  be a lot of fun in moderation but it can really mess a person up, make them not think straight and even kill.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

day nine

Your last kiss...

Does my family count?
Okay, well we all know who it was and what went down. Do I have to go into detail? Wasn't a great experience. I actually like to say I haven't kissed anyone yet.

day eight (i'm behind so i'm catching up)

Something you're currently worrying about:

I'm not really a person that worries about a lot. One thing is homework. I wanted to study everyday during this break for my bio midterm, but here we are, Thursday afternoon with not one second of studying done. I also other homework that I haven't started. But you know what? I always manage to get it done.

Money is kind of an issue as well. My mum keeps telling me to get an application for a student loan. I somehow think that with my 10 hour a week job, which will probably be cut to 8 hours a week, will get me enough money to pay for next semester. After april, i'm planning on getting another job. I don't want to have to rely on a student loan.

day seven

Your opinion on cheating on people

For starters, if you honestly cared about someone, you wouldn't cheat on them. You wouldn't put them through that humilation and heartbreak. If you cared, you would either break up with your partner, or just not cheat. So I think people who cheat are either selfish, or never really cared about that person. Or both. I don't know what I would do in that situation, but thinking about it now, I would never take that guy back. I think everyone deserves better than someone who will cheat on them. Everyone deserved someone who loves them and truely cares about them. Unless of course they are one of those people who cheat. Then that's karma!

hunger games

I can't believe how good this series was. It was so good that I have to blog about it. Although Harry Potter will always be my favourite, The Hunger Games comes in a close second place. I don't even know what to say! I became so attached to the characters. It consumed all my thoughts. It was an amazing story. I laughed, I cried, I got mad. I've never read anything like it. Ahh, they were just so good. And, even though there is no way the movie will live up to the books, I'm excited for it to come out!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day Six

The person you like and why you like them

As I like no one right now, this is kinda pointless. I wish there was someone I liked to make life a little more interesting but there is not. There are guys at work and school that I find attractive but no one I actually like...sorry!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day Five

Five things that irritate you about the opposite/same sex:

1. You don’t know what they are thinking/FEELING
2. They try to act, or think they are super cool and tough.
3. Their personalities change around their friends
4. They are show offs
5. They can be really immature
1. Fakeness! Fake personalities, fake tans, fake hair, fake nails…
2. When they take pictures of them making out with their girl friends, when they do the duck face…
3. When they have their boobs hanging out of their shirts
4. Drama
5. How mean girls can be to each other

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day Four

What you wear to bed:

It really depends on how I'm feeling. Up until this year, it was shorts and a t-shirt year round. Recently it's been a matching fleece set. Sometimes I like to change it up and wear just normal pj pants and a long sleeve shirt, or shorts and the top to a matching set. Sometimes my combinations are really interesting... But yeah, exciting stuff!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day Three

What kind of person attracts you?

This is tough. I can’t say I have a certain type. I definitely go for personality though. I’ve come to the realization that it’s the most important thing. I mean, looks matter to certain point. Of course you have to be attracted to the person. Like Mia, a person’s smile always wins me over. Personality wise, a good sense of humour is a must. I joke around all the time, and can be completely nuts so someone who doesn’t think I’m insane would be nice. I need someone who is confident and outgoing, not over the top, but enough to keep things interesting. And definitely not super full of themselves. That is a total turn off. Also, a guy that has a good relationship with his family is important. Someone with a positive attitude is a must as well. I could not be around someone who is always negative. I’m just attracted to anyone that makes me happy, and takes me for me.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day Two:

How have you changed in the past two years?

Two years ago we were near the end of grade 11. I remember our never ending conversations about grade 12. It’s crazy. It seems like years ago but like yesterday as well. Since then, I have definitely become so much more independent. I owe that to my job and college. Being thrown into unknown and somewhat awkward situations has made me not only independent, but I think slightly more confident as well. Although no noticeable changes happened in grade 11, 2011 was crazy! I came out of shell. I finally was able to be myself at school. It was such a great year. We had grad which was amazing, got drivers licenses and jobs, started college/university! SO many new and exciting experience. I definitely changed, well maybe not changed but shaped me? I don’t know. I know I’ve changed , but I can’t quiet put my finger on all the changes. I am ok with everything that has happened though! One thing I know for sure is that I’ve learned a lot about the kind of people I want in my life, and who I want to keep close as well as who I shouldn’t waste my time on.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day Uno

Weird things you do when you're alone:

1. Like Mia, I blast music and either sing at the top of my lungs or lip sync and pretty much have a dance party in my room. I like to pretend I'm in concert or something and I try to get really into the song, especially if it's an emotional song. I'll make up scenarios in my head that match the song and pretend that's what I'm singing about.

2. I also like to try out different makeup looks or hair dos. I usually end up watching youtube videos and finding different things I like. It's great fun.

3. Sometimes I'll just sit and makeup all sorts of different scenarios in my head and different ways I would react. Actually I pretty much just make up fantasies. This can last up to a solid hour.

4. I eat. Everything I can. Even if I'm not supposed to. I just want food and I think my only opportunity to eat like a fatty is when I'm alone.

5. Sometimes I like to see if I can make myself cry. I'll look up sad songs or just sit and feel sorry for myself.

6. I waste as much time as possible. This includes looking through old photo albums, or going through all the stuff I have in my drawers. I don't clean them out, I stuff junk back in them, I just like to look.
Ok, I have nothing exciting to talk about so I am also going to do the 30 day challenge :)