Over the past few days I’ve realized something. I take so much for granted. I’ve been sitting at home on my butt, bored out of my mind, and it got me thinking. I am lucky.
-No matter how much I complain about it, I love school. I’d much rather be at school, than sitting at home. I feel sorry for kids who don’t have the privilege of going to school.
-Yes, it’s cheesy. But honestly, I think I live in the best place in the entire world! I don’t have to worry about be bombed, or hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, or any of those sorts of things. I feel completely safe walking down the streets. I love Canada <3
-I have an awesome family. My parents are awesome, my sister is awesome. I still have both sets of my grandparents, as well as my great grandma and great grandpa. I probably should make more of an effort to call them.
- have the absolute BEST friends in the entire world. I don’t know how much more alike we could be. It’s almost like the same person was born four different times, each with the slightest differences. I love them to death.
-Yup, I complain about have to walk the dog, and I complain about the cat waking me up in the middle of the night, but I love them. They make me happy.
-I never really think about my house. But, I come home everyday to a warm, and safe place. I know I’ll always have a bed to sleep in, and food in the fridge. My house protects me everyday of my life, and I’ve never even though twice about it.
-I’ve never been deathly ill (knock on wood), mind you, I have felt like death. I should be more thankful for that. Right now, me as well as everyone I know, is healthy. So, life is good.
-I just might die without it. It’s like therapy. It can lift my spirits, make me feel better, and it’s always there when I need it. Thank you music for being one of my best friends ;)
Sorry for the cheese fest, but I though I should acknowledge everything that makes my life great. There are more, but these are my top.