Thursday, October 11, 2012

A world full of cruelty

The death of Amanda is something that I haven't stopped thinking about all day. I'm actually feeling emotionally drained. I try to think about my lowest point and how I felt. I've felt pretty horrible before but never so bad that I’ve even come close to thinking about killing myself, let alone try to. I can't believe how cruel people were to her, and every other kid out there who is bullied. Her story is absolutely heartbreaking. People make mistakes, she obviously wasn't proud of some of her choices but that doesn't give anybody the right to judge her or point fingers at her. It's really nobody's business but her own. Nobody deserves what she had to go through. It's so sad that her youtube video was posted weeks before last night and no one reached out to her. It was quite obviously a cry for help. She said she needed somebody yet no one seemed to be there for her until now. Ironic. I'm just so sad it got to the point that she felt that killing herself was the only way out. I'm glad she's not suffering anymore but she had her whole life ahead of her. I don't wish harm for her bullies because that would be doing exactly what they did to her. However, I hope they do feel guilty and learn from this. I hope it makes them think twice before judging someone, or making a nasty comment to someone. And not just her bullies, but everyone. This story hit really close to home and though I'm someone who doesn't judge people I can't say this has always been true. I've never been a bully, but I’ve never been one to stand up for someone either. This might just be the thing to change that in me, and many of kids in this town. Though it may not look like it, everybody has their own struggle. One person on her side could have made all the difference. It's time we learned to treat people with kindness. People make mistakes, but just let it go. We're only human, and everyone deserves to feel loved and have someone on their side. RIP